Paramita == 波罗蜜多
It means to cross over from this shore of births and deaths to the other shore which is the Nirvana.
The Six Paramita or means of so doings are
(1) dana - charity/giving
(2) sila - moral/conduct/taking precepts
(3) ksanti - patience
(4) virya - vigor/devotion/energy
(5) dhyana - contemplation/meditation
(6) prajna - wisdom.
The Ten Paramita are the above plus
(7) upaya - use of expedient or proper means
(8) pranidhana - vow of bodhi and helpfulness
(9) bala - strength
(10) intelligence
Childers gives the list of ten as the perfect exercise of
charity/almsgiving, morality, renunciation, wisdom, energy/effort, patience, truth, resolution/determination, kindness/universal love and resignation/equanimity.
Each of the ten is divided into ordinary, superior and unlimited perfection, making up to thirty in total.