】 rapture, enthusiasm (rendered also by joy, happiness); interest it is one of the mental factors or concomitants (cetasika) and belongs to the group of mental formations (sankha^ra-kkhandha). As, in sutta texts, it is often linked in a compound word. with 'gladness' (pa^mojja) or 'happiness' (sukha), some Western translations have wrongly taken it as a synonym of these two terms. Pi^ti, however, is not a feeling or a sensation, and hence does not belong to the feeling-group (vedana^-kkhandha), but may be described psychologically as 'joyful interest'. As such it may be associated with wholesome as well as with unwholesome and neutral states of consciousness.
A high degree of rapture is characteristic of certain stages in meditative concentration, in insight practice (vipassana^) as well as in the first two absorptions (jha^na, q.v.). In the latter it appears as one of the factors of absorption (jha^nanga; s. jha^na) and is strongest in the 2nd absorption. Five degrees of intensity in meditative rapture are described in Vis.M. IV. 94ff. It is one of the factors of enlightenment (bojjhanga, q.v.).