【pan~n~a^ vimutti
】 'deliverance through wisdom' (or understanding'), signifies, according to Com. to A.V, 142, the wisdom associated with the fruition of holiness (arahatta-phala). In Pug. 31 and similarly in M. 70, it is said: "A monk may not have reached in his own person the 8 liberations (=jha^na, q.v.), but through his wisdom the cankers have come to extinction in him. Such a person is called wisdom-liberated" (pan~n~a^-vimutta). - Com. to Pug.: "He may be one of five persons: either a practiser of bare insight (sukkha-vipassako, q.v.), or one who has attained to Holiness after rising from one of the absorptions." See S. XII, 7().
The term is often linked with ceto-vimutti (q.v.), 'deliverance of mind'.