】 (lit: accumulation): 'group', 'body', may either refer to the physical body (rúpa-ka^ya) or to the mental body (na^ma-ka^ya). In the latter case it is either a collective name for the mental groups (feeling, perception, mental formations, consciousness; s. khandha), or merely for feeling, perception and a few of the mental formations (s. na^ma), e.g. in ka^ya-lahuta^, etc. (cf. Tab. II). Ka^ya has this same meaning in the standard description of the 3rd absorption (jha^na, q.v.) "and he feels joy in his mind or his mental constitution (ka^ya)", and (e.g. Pug. 1-8) of the attainment of the 8 deliverances (vimokkha, q.v.); "having attained the 8 deliverances in his mind, or his person (ka^ya)." - Ka^ya is also the 5th sense-organ, the body-organ; s. a^yatana, dha^tu, indriya.