】 (fr. javati, to impel): 'impulsion', is the phase of full cognition in the cognitive series, or perceptual process (citta-vi^thi; s. vin~n~a^na-kicca) occurring at its climax, if the respective object is large or distinct. It is at this phase that karma is produced, i.e. wholesome or unwholesome volition concerning the perception that was the object of the previous stages of the respective process of consciousness. There are normally 7 impulsive moments. In mundane consciousness (lokiya, q.v.), any of the 17 karmically wholesome classes of consciousness (Tab. I, 1-17) or of the 12 unwholesome ones (Tab. I, 22-23) may arise at the phase of impulsion. For the Arahat, however, impulsion has no longer a karmic, i.e. rebirth-producing character, but is a karmically independent function (kiriya, q.v.; Tab. I, 72-89). There are further 8 supermundane classes of impulsion (Tab. I, 18-21, 66-69).
The 4 impulsive moments immediately before entering an absorption (jha^na, q.v.) or one of the supermundane paths (magga; s. ariyapuggala) are: the preparatory (parikamma), approach (upaca^ra), adaptation (anuloma), and maturity-moment (gotrabhú, q.v.) In connection with entering the earth-kasina absorption (s. kasina), they are explained as follows, in Vis.M. IV: "After the breaking off of the subconscious stream of being (bhavanga-sota, q.v.), there arises the 'advertence at the mind-door' (manodva^ra^vajjana, s. vin~n~a^nakicca), taking as object the earthkasina (whilst thinking), 'Earth! Earth!' Thereupon, 4 or 5 impulsive moments flash forth, amongst which the last one (maturity-moment) belongs to the fine-material sphere (rúpa^vacara), whereas the rest belong to the sense-sphere (ka^ma^vacara; s. avacara), though the last one is more powerful in thought conception, discursive thinking, interest (rapture), joy and concentration (cf. jha^na) than the states of consciousness belonging to the sense-sphere. They are called 'preparatory' (parikamma-sama^dhi), as they are preparing for the attainment-concentration (appana^-sama^dhi); 'approaching' (upaca^ra-sama^dhi), as they are close to the attainment-concentration and are moving in its neighbourhood; 'adaptive' (anuloma), as they adapt themselves to the preceding preparatory states and to the succeeding attainment concentration. The last one of the four is called 'matured' (gotrabhú). In a similar way, the impulsive moments before reaching the divine ear are described in Vis.M. XIII, 1. - Cf. Karma - (App.).