A. Anguttara Nikáya (figures refer to number of book (nipáta) and Sutta)
Abh. Abhidhamma Pitaka (Canon)
Abh. S. Abhidhammattha Sangaha
Abh. St. Abhidhamma Studies, by Nyanaponika Thera (BPS)
App. Appendix at the end of this book
Atthasálini (Com. to Dhammasangani)
Atthasálini Tr. The Expositor, tr. by Maung Tin. PTS Tr. Series
Boehtl. Otto Boehtlingk, Sanskrit-W?rterbuch
BPS Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy
CNid. Cúla Niddesa
Com. Commentary
D. Dígha Nikáya (figures: number of Sutta)
Dhp. Dhammapada
Dhs. Dhammasangani
Fund. Fundamentals of Buddhism, Nyanatiloka (BPS)
Guide Guide through the Abhidhamma Pitaka, Nyanatiloka, 3rd ed. 1971 (BPS)
It. Itivuttaka
Kath. Kathávatthu
Khp. Khuddakapátha
Khp. Tr. Minor Readings & Illustrator, tr. (of Khp. & Com) by ?ánamoli Thera.
PTS Tr. Series
M. Majjhima Nikáya (figures: number of Sutta)
MNid. Mahá Niddesa
Mil. Milinda Pa?há
Path Path to Deliverance, Nyanatiloka (BPS) (figures: paragraphs)
Patth. Patthána
Pts.M. Patisambhidá Magga
PTS Páli Text Society's editions
Pug. Puggala-Pa??atti (figures: paragraphs)
R. Und. Right Understanding, tr. (of M. 9 & Com.) by Soma Thera (BPS)
S. Samyutta Nikáya (figures: numbers of Samyutta and Sutta)
Sn. Sutta Nipáta (figures numbers of verses)
Tab. Table at the end of the book
Therag. Theragáthá
Tr. Translation
Vibh. Vibhanga
Vis.M. Visuddhi Magga (figures numbers of chapter & the paragraphing in Path of Purification, tr. by ?ánamoli Thera, 3rd ed., BPS)
W.of B. The Word of the Buddha, Nyanatiloka (BPS)
Yam. Yamaka