】 'mastery'. Vis.M. IV speaks of 5 kinds of m., which anyone who wishes to develop the absorptions (jha^na, q.v.) should acquire first of all, with regard to the 1st absorption, namely: mastery in adverting to it (a^vajjana-vasi^), in entering it (sama^pajjana-vasi^), in determining it (adhittha^na-vasi^), in rising therefrom (vuttha^na-vasi^), in retrospection (paccavekkhana-vasi^). - (App.).
"If wherever, whenever, and for whatever duration desired, one enters the 1st absorption, and at one's entering it, no slowness is experienced, this is called mastery in entering the absorption, etc. In an analogous way, the 4 remaining kinds are to be explained" (Vis.M. IV, 131f; XXIII, 27ff.).