【anupubba nirodha
】 The 9 'successive extinctions', are the 8 extinctions reached through the 8 absorptions (jha^na, q.v.) and the extinction of feeling and perception' (s. nirodha-sama^patti), as it is said in A. IX, 31 and D. 33:
"In him who has entered the 1st absorption, the sensuous perceptions (ka^ma-san~n~a^) are extinguished. Having entered the 2nd absorption, thought-conception and discursive thinking (vitakkavica^ra, q.v.) are extinguished. Having entered the 3rd absorption, rapture (pi^ti, q.v.) is extinguished. Having entered the 4th absorption, in-and-out breathing (assa^sa-passa^sa, q.v.) are extinguished. Having entered the sphere of boundless space (a^ka^sa^nan~ca^yatana), the corporeality perceptions (rúpa-san~n~a^) are extinguished. Having entered the sphere of boundless consciousness (vin~n~a^nan~ca^yatana), the perception of the sphere of boundless space is extinguished. Having entered the sphere of nothingness (a^kin~can~n~a^yatana), the perception of the sphere of boundless consciousness is extinguished. Having entered the sphere of neither-perception-nor-non-perception (neva-san~n~a^-na^san~n~a^yatana) the perception of the sphere of nothingness is extinguished. Having entered the extinction of perception and feeling (san~n~a^vedayitanirodha) perception and feeling are extinguished." For further details, s. jha^na, nirodha-sama^patti.